Find Quality Link Exchange Partners and Increase Traffic and Link Popularity!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Directory FAQs

  • What is provides website owners with a tool to find quality link exchange partners for the purpose of increasing website traffic and link popularity with search engines. We do not offer an automated link exchange program or link farm. All sites included in our directory are individually reviewed and accepted.

  • Does my site qualify to be listed in
    Please see our Requirements page. All submitted sites are individually reviewed and accepted ONLY if all quality and linking requirements are met.

  • How do I find link exchange partners?
    Link partners can be found either by browsing our directory or by performing a keyword search which will display all sites whose description contains the searched keyword.

  • Do you provide a way for me to contact all webmasters within a category at once to exchange links?
    No. We do not provide mass emailing services to contact every website representative within a category because we believe that link partners must be chosen carefully and individually in order to maximize the benefits of such exchange. Factors such as theme relevance, traffic levels, popularity rank, and specific trade requirements and instructions should be taken into consideration when selecting other sites to swap links with.

  • How does your service help me find link partners?
    Besides allowing your site to be found by other webmasters willing to exchange links, we make your search for link partners easier and more efficient by listing, along with sites title and description, a link to their current Alexa traffic information.

  • How does your service help my site improve its link popularity?
    All sites included in our directory will be placed in static pages with very few links each which are easily indexed by search engines thus increasing your chances of search engines counting our linking to your site as a vote for your site.

  • Does it cost anything to get listed?
    No. Adding your a site to our directory and searching for link partners is 100% Free. All we require from link partners is the placement of a text link in their homepage or a page one click away from the homepage. The type of visibility given to us based on the placement of our link will determine a site's position within our directory.

  • How are listings arranged on your directory?
    All links are arranged within their assigned category based on where our link appears on added sites (top preference: homepage, second preference: 1-click away from homepage and in a top position relative to other links, third preference: 1-click away from homepage not in a top position relative to other links) and the date they are added to our directory. The sooner you add your site, the higher up it will appear.

  • Will you let me know if my site is rejected?
    No. Submissions that do not meet all of our requirements will be ignored. You may resubmit once you make sure your site fully complies with our requirements though. If your site is accepted, you will receive an email from us normally within 7 days of submission.

  • Do you guarantee my site will receive more traffic and increase link popularity?
    No. That depends on your site and the partnerships you setup with other sites through link exchanges. We merely make it easy for you to find quality partners to exchange links with.

  • What is your privacy policy?
    We will NEVER sell or share your email address or any other information with any other company and will only use it to communicate with you.

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